Thursday, September 20, 2018

Classes for 2019

Our class placement letters are going home this week.  Wow, time flies when you're having as much fun as Manuka Team.  When these letters go out we always get bombarded with questions by anxious parents.  So, stay calm, here's what you need to know.

1. Is it compulsory?
No. It's entirely up to you.  These letters just give us a little extra guidance for class placement.  No pressure.

2. Teachers/Classes.
Teachers don't always stay in the same level, so it is better to suggest the kind of class that would best suit your child, rather than naming a teacher.  Do they like/need a busy on-the-move class, a quiet class, a routine class, ...?   Do they prefer/need a teacher who is outgoing, quiet, firm, chilled out...?  These ideas give us plenty of guidance for best placement. Don't worry. We have loved working with your kids and so will next years teacher. 

3. Friends.
We talk about 'good working friends' and 'good playground friends'.  Ask your child who they like to work with in class, who helps them get their work finished, makes them feel brave, encourages them... You'd be surprised at how honest they are. Who they choose as a good friend might also surprise you.  

4. Manuka Teachers
Manuka teachers get to have a say, too.  We will make suggestions about kids who, we have seen, are great work mates and those who are better playground friends.  We will also suggest class environments that, we think, suit different kids and their interests, quirks and learning needs.  We really do adore every one of these kids and we will be looking out for their best interests.  

5. When will we know?
It takes time to balance the social, emotional and academic needs of 400 kids.  Please, be patient. There will be a chance to visit the new classes towards the end of term 4 and class placements will be sent home before this. Teachers will be involved in the process but changes happen right up to the last minute.  Staff will not see thefinished/finalised class lists until they are released. There are no 'advance screenings' - don't bother listening to rumours.  "I don't know" is not a coded message - you'll know when we know.    

Now, breathe in, breathe out and carry on because we're not done with 2018.  Manuka has another exciting term ahead and we aren't ready to let you go, yet.

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